My Friends

I have met allot of different friends these past years living with Mom & Dad. They always try and get me to meet 'dogs' telling me I should be friends with them, but I'm not really a 'dog' kinda of .... well...  'little fuzzy person' I like to be referred as.
I have met nice horses, cows, chickens, a few cats, guinea pigs, ferrets... well the list goes on. Some people find it strange that so many different species get along with me, but I just think, Who wouldn't want to be my friend? I'm beautiful AND intelligent, what's more to love?


This is me and my best friend Bear, as you can see he is a dog. I think he was only part dog though, and that's why we became good friends. I used to stay at bears place and help him take care of his kids. Like me, Bear had his own pets, he had two cats Tyson and Murphy.
I say had because a couple years ago my poor old friend Bear too had to make the journey to the Rainbow Bridge. I miss him allot, he was a great friend.


Mimosa is my Jr. Whizz in training, She is just a young pup but is learning well in the ways of The Whizz. Mo and I go camping together, for walks by the river and sometimes she comes over with her Mom & Dad to our place. Mo and I like to watch my gerbils, I'd introduce her to my bunnies, but my Mom said Mo is to hyper to meet bunnies. Mimosa is going to be two years old this year.


Yes, even the cows and I get along. They are such funny creatures. Mimosa and I both like to take some time to chat with the cows when we are on vacation. They are a bit smelly, but pretty nice once you get to know them.
Mom thought it was strange the cows wanted so badly to be my friend, I think Mom's strange, I mean EVERYONE wants to be MY friend.

Cats & Kittens

I LOVES Cats! And if mom wasn't allergic I would make her get me 10 cats! When I go to peoples houses who have cats, i make sure to be friends with them. I once met a cat named Tigra and she and I hunted a little mouse together, well until Mom wrecked our fun by letting the little mouse go free. She's such a party pooper.

Princess is a cat I like to visit when I am in Penticton, she's real fluffy and sweet, the other cats she lives with are kinda crazy, one is so rude and spits in my face!
I have two cat friends who live next door, Fluffy & Gordo. Fluffy and I are becoming friends, Gordo's a bit of a flake though.

This picture is of me and a 8 week old kitten I begged my Mom to let me have, I took care of her all day grooming and loving her. I showed Mom how well i could take care of her, and BEGGED to have her, but Mom said she was someone else's cat and that I couldn't keep her.  .... So not fare.


Ferrets are definitely not for everyone, boy are they a lot of work!
We had three Ferrets stay with us for a while, and we had a great time playing together, plus their treats were really yummy!
Mom says we won't have ferrets again, something about them getting into to much trouble and being a bit to stinky. I liked the smell...

Sara the Bunny

This is Sara, she and her 6 brother and sisters came to stay with us for a while when they were only just little babies. Sara, Spencer and Suzy-Q ended up living with us while their others brothers and sisters went to another foster home.  When they came Mom didn't want me to see them, she kept saying I would frighten them, but I knew better. Those little bunnies knew who I was and we became instant friends.

Later on Sara got real sick though, the Dr. said it was a cancer and she passed away, one of the other sisters died from the same thing and a brother.  I really miss her because she was a great little friend, and like Bo her fur was SO soft, i loved to groom her and we would nap together. Spencer & Suzy-Q still live here with us, and I get to play with them every once and a while. When they are outside playing I make sure to guard them.

Shelter Bunnies

Every once and a while Mom will bring me out to the Rabbit shelter where the rabbits and I play outside. There about 40-50 bunnies who I get to play with, it's super fun and I make a few new friends each time I visit. I've got to have some of the shelter bunnies to our place for sleep overs if they aren't feeling good, or if they need a bath and hair cut. Mississippi Queen is my favorite bunny there, I hope we get to go visit them soon.

Otto & My Old Room Mates

I used to live in a house with 2 dogs and a cat, Otto the cat and I became friends. See he was scared of the dogs, they barked at him and stuff, so it took me a little time to gain his trust. Where we lived Otto's Mom lived with us, and when she moved Otto moved too. He was a fun cat and would 'box' at things when he played.

Mom said she doesn't have any pictures of my old dog room mates, their names were Baily & Rex. Baily and I had an understanding, it was I didn't like her. Rex understood I was the boss and so we became good friends. I miss those guys a bit, but now I don't have to share my Mom & Dad or my treats!